The Omen....
I was in NM this last week. I picked up my mother and brought her to San Saba, a gorgeous little TX hill country town to meet my aunt. This is the little town all my family came from. Anyway, that's not the deal.......
I wrote earlier about something wonderful and horrible I'd seen when I lived in Lubbock. Truck Nuts.....balls for your truck, particularly your Big Red Butch Texas Tech Frat Boy Truck ! These things are really hilarious. I want some.....
Anyway, I was in my home town in NM, which isn't far from Lubbock. It's a moderately redneck kind of town. The presence of the university keeps it from being a total write off. So, I was at the university library with my laptop, and what did I see! A butch truck with a BIG pair of red balls dangling from its TX license plate! Did it come from Lubbock?? Who can ever say. However I stopped and thought...Lubbock...hmmmmm. Here's where it gets scary!
It just so happened that the Horns were playing Tech in Lubbock that night (Saturday). I watched the game on TV and was, of course, dismayed when we lost to them. It's a big rivalry. When we were heading back through Texas today, I saw Texas Tech Red Raider flags everywhere! Even here in Longhorn country. What kind of message is the universe sending me? Was the appearance of the red frat boy truck nuts swinging heavily in the breeze a portent of coming events? What is significant about Lubbock? So.....that Saturday night, as I was watching all those big hot boys (one of the thrills of football for me!) on the field.....bigballs not quite swinging but there and safely encased,I thought "wow.... maybe I should watch what I say about Lubbock." Did I curse the Longhorns?!? Hank Hill would give an unequivocal "yes!" Was this a 12 degree of separation thing, like the Kevin Bacon party game? Could be....
Anyway....I'm with my mother and aunt, visiting various and sundry old-people. Heading back to Austin tomorrow sometime. Want a job.....want a big corn-fed Texas boy.....
No blessings or advice for this Sunday. Just remember:
God loves you....but I really couldn't care less!
1 comment:
These are funny, I have several posts on my blog, with interviews and funny pics, I guarantee you'll laugh your bulls balls or truck nuts right off... well maybe
I hope you enjoy
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