Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh Lady Bird...where art thou....

LadyBird Johnson....the old girl finally sloughed off this mortal coil and bought the farm in 2007. Now I love Texas, and I love Austin, but a terrible thing happened while I was living back in New Mexico. At some point between the time Lady Bird Johnson went into the light and now, our central lake, AKA the Colorodo River, AKA Lake Austin, AKA Town Lake, has been renamned...embarassingly, Lady Bird Lake. I just groaned when I saw the sign, and I'd been back here quite a while before I noticed.

It's just hokey and corney and really stereotypically Texas. It's just so King of the Hill. I love King of the Hill by the way, and I especially love the K.O.T.H AdultSwim billboard we have on Burnett Rd. Austin's just never really felt like Texas to me. Lubbock is Texas....Amarillo is Texas. I can grasp a Lady Bird Lake in one of those two loo-loo's, but not here in Asustin. I'd have preferred "Lake Leslie" I think. Anyway...who cares about a "mescun's" opinion R.I.P Lady Bird!

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