When I first saw this commercial, my first reaction was "how fuckin' hilarious!" Equating Barak Obama with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears?!?!? Everyone hates Britney and Paris....everyone has had more than their fill of these two charming lovelies. What's the message here? Hmmm...The ad caused a true nation wide Laugh Out Loud! It caused such a sensation that it was pulled pretty quickly. What on EARTH was he thinking? Instead of having it's desired effect, it had just the opposite. It showed McCain to be a terrified and jealous little man.....desperate even. I shudder to think what the ads will be like as the election grows nearer.
I was a Hillary supporter and wasn't too sure about Barak. The Democratic National Convention, which ended last night, convinced me though. I will support Barak 100%. What a great thing for our country and the world having him in office will be. Europe loves Obama. Compare his reception in Europe to McCain's. There were only a few reporters present to greet his plane, compared to the multitude of cheering Europeans who greeted Barak Obama. I see today that in an attempt to seem relevant, "now and happening," John McCain has chosen a woman as his running mate.....nigga please!
I've known for some time now that McCain didn't have a ghost of a chance. The media chose Obama some time ago. Few people realize how our society is shaped and manipulated by the media. In that aspect, there is truth to the ad. The media is the true instrument of societal change. The ad was just so silly looking though. He should have used somebody besides Britney and Paris....ANYBODY! The Geiko Gecko, perhaps? I also knew that John McCain was washed up as a viable contender when it came out that he had stated that our forces would stay in Iraq for "a hundred years if necessary." That was the nail in his political coffin. This war has been an unnecessary and tragic exercise in futility. It has had countless disastrous effects-the unnecessary loss of lives, our nation's world-wide loss of respect and credibility, a momentous national debt...just to name a few. George Bush will have nothing positive to look back upon about his Presidency. He's already the most hated and unpopular President in US history....much more so than poor old Tricky Dicky. Richard Nixon doesn't even begin to hold a candle to the disastrous, criminal actions of GW.
Our nation wants a fresh clean start. There's no way in Hell we'll put a man in the Oval Office whom we even halfway suspect will continue the same actions as George Bush.
I urge all Americans to take a proactive stand in this election. We just can't go on this way much longer.

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