I watched the Republican National Convention last night. All in all, I found the whole affair extremely lackluster, disappointing, and predictable. The entire production seemed to be an apologia for Sarah Palin, McCain's disastrous choice for a running mate. Disastrous, you say? Disastrous for the Republican Party in general and for the McCain campaign in particular. Again and again, overly enthusiastic, strained-faced politicos were paraded in front of the cameras, trumpeting the virtues of Palin and the wisdom of McCain for choosing her as his running mate, even though they must inwardly all be floundering in the quagmire of her complete unsuitability. Whom are they trying to convince, the skeptical public or themselves? Had any of these people even heard of Sarah Palin before her nomination was announced? Not hardly. They all say the same things.....spouting the official party line.
I'm hearing two different streams of thought in various other blogs concerning this nomination: 1. McCain chose Palin to appeal to disenfranchised Clinton voters, and 2. He chose Palin to pander to the religious right and nail their vote. I don't see how McCain, or anyone of any political intelligence whatsoever could actually believe that democrats who supported Hillary would have ANYTHING to do with getting this frightening woman into the office of Vice President. Sarah Palin embraces everything that Hillary and the Democratic Party finds repugnant. What seems more logical is that he is courting the Evangelical vote, that frightening monster lurking in the shadows of American civil liberties and freedom. Sarah Palin is a Christian fundamentalist who believes in the literal truth of the bible. These people share a world view that would be extremely dangerous were it to be actualized in the political world. Already, Palin is voicing her determination to have legal abortion abolished. Could they possibly think ANY Democrat would vote for this ticket? These people have no place in National politics. He might as well have chosen Benny Hinn or John Hagee as a running mate. And why do I say that these people have no place in National politics? Because they use their religion as a weapon to wield in the destruction of human rights and the repression of all those who don't share their stilted beliefs. They would destroy everything in this country that does not fit into their narrow theological sights. Such a bias has no place in American government. Remember when Rev Pat Robertson briefly ran for President? Horrors.....what a cataclysm that would have been.
I have no problem with Sarah Palin and her kind literally believing that the Earth was created in seven days, and other completely unscientific bits of Biblical fantasy. Let them believe anything they choose....just do not let them attempt to govern me and institute policies based upon these sometimes frightening ideals.
Thank GOD John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, for in doing so, he single handedly guaranteed the victory of Barak Obama.
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