Wednesday, January 9, 2008

the BIG news!

Well, if you haven't heard about Britney's meltdown, you must be living in utter sensory deprivation.....
I was flipping through channels one night and thought I'd turn to the news networks for a while, and what to my horrified eyes did appear?? On not one, but THREE ( I expected it from FOX, but CNN??) cable news networks were blasting constant coverage, in Anna Nicole style, of Britney's capture by the police and subsequent confinement to the booby-hatch! I was repulsed, fascinated, greatly amused and saddened all at the same time. Why saddened? Certainly not sad for this stupid idiot, this fool who somehow made it famous. I'm really saddened that this country is so distracted by this no-talent and others like her ( Paris, Lindsey, et. al), that the fact that we're in a horrible mess in the middle east-losing innocent boys for George Bush's oil war...this fact seems to be fading more and more from the general public's kindergarten attention span. Where was coverage of meaningful events?? how could a respected network like CNN fall to the tabloid-like, Bush-loving level of the Fox News propaganda machine?
This country really needs to wake up...and GET some priorities, then set them straight!

In the meantime, can we take up a collection to jettison these talentless, attention grabbing, sloppy whores into space?

The Sermon Has Ended

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