Friday, February 15, 2008

There's a New Sheriff in Town...

White-Trash has a new arena on television! It's called.....The Steve Wilcos Show. This big, hunky, ex-cop, ex-Jerry Springer Show bouncer has finally climbed to the top of the shit pile and gotten his own program. It's hard to describe. I first came across it the other day, and watched in comic-horror-delight as troups of grotesque, fat (men and women!), bearded (a couple of women!), inbred-looking crackheads and child molesters were paraded on stage and forced to STAND as they were challenged with lie detector results and screamed at by this frightening man. Child molestation seems to be the hottest topic...along with crack, or the inevitable combination of the two. What on EARTH posesses these people to 1. Go on TV with these horrible stories and make public spectacles of themselves, and 2. Go on a TV show where they know they are going to be screamed at and humiliated by this monster? It's beyond me. I used to say the same thing about Jerry Springer, but this show is in a class all its own. However, I must say, that when he was on Springer, a show which I never watched....only heard about of course, I thought he was a real sex-pot. He's still kinda hot....gotten a bit fat though. What a circus!

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