Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The return of Nurse Ratchet.....

Got a job yesterday! I walked in, handed the guy my resume, filled out an application, and was hired on the spot. He asked me to name my salary.....God it's good to be wanted! I am so blessed to have a profession in which this could happen. It's great to know that you can always find good work. The money's great, the hours perfect for me. It's at a Skilled Nursing/Rehabilitation center. I don't have to give meds or do any direct patient care, just supervise the other nurses and techs. What was that old saying about the lunatics running the asylum?!? I'll be charge nurse.....or, as I like to refer to myself, a....... Head Nurse! So, start my orientation on Friday.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It's a beautiful day...the cold front that swept through the area finally swept out. I've been sitting out in the sun...watching the squirrels play. I know....pretty mundane and boring, but I like the simple life at the moment. My life is pretty much 12 step meetings and cofee, conversation and music right now, which beats crack and vodka believe me. It's a Big Redneck Weding day...enjoying laughing at those less socially astute than myself.....that's a nice way of putting it, isn't it?
I'm going to Austin Recovery's main campus tonight for a little church service/12 step program they put on every Sunday. I spent 90 days there 4 years ago. It was one of the best expereinces of my life. Boys, friends, good food.....what else does anyone need? Found a great sponsor this week at my home group, Bouldin. We had cofee and food last night and discussed philosophy, religion, and the insanity of addiction. He's a great guy and I'm looking forward to working with him.
You'll never work in this town again.....
I'm going to Austin Recovery's main campus tonight for a little church service/12 step program they put on every Sunday. I spent 90 days there 4 years ago. It was one of the best expereinces of my life. Boys, friends, good food.....what else does anyone need? Found a great sponsor this week at my home group, Bouldin. We had cofee and food last night and discussed philosophy, religion, and the insanity of addiction. He's a great guy and I'm looking forward to working with him.
You'll never work in this town again.....
Starting a serious job hunt tomorrow. Unfortunately, I burned some bridges a couple of years ago, so my options are limited some, not too much though. The great thing about being a nurse is that you can always pretty much write your own ticket. It's such a broad field, you can find your niche in many different settings.
I was intending to go the church today, but I overslept. Went to sleep on the couch last night. Woke up about five and stumbled into all went down hill from there. However....I do have Betty's expereince with the Baptists to learn from.....
Betty Butterield visits......The Baptists
Remember! No Sex on Sunday! God said so!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Still Cool........

It's a beautiful day...warm, sunny. I love Austin weather. Today I decided to treat myself. I'm here at Bouldin Creek Coffee House, sitting outside having a lovely mocha-feeze and smoking my clove cigarettes...being cool with all the cool people love this place. I'm "communing" with Austin's "cool" community, the bohemians this city is so famous for. Leslie's even here! I hadn't seen Leslie in years. For a description of exactly who Leslie is, see my old post, "Viva la Leslie."
Several years ago, I wrote a bit in my other blog called "Terminally Cool." It was something of a tirade, actually. Can't remember exactly what set it off. Anyway, the "Terminally Cool" are an offshoot of an old phrase I coined in college...the Mock Intense. These are cool cats and chicks who take themselves and their uniqueness way too seriously. Austinites, and other cool individuals such as myself (not Terminally Cool!) know exactly what I'm talking about.
I'm really glad to be back in this environment, actually. I'm SO happy to be out of New Mexico and back in this city! Let them be as intellectual, overly philosophic and intense as they want. They're part of Austin and I love them.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008

Well, I haven had time to write since the big election. I know this post is coming kind of late. Of course I'm extremely happy. I know he's going to do a most excellent job. For one thing, he's a very smart man and I think he really has some solutions for our problems. Secondly, his Presidency will set a historic precident, he will go the extra mile, and will be the best President of our time as he will be a role model and example of his race. Issues with his race really bother me, and he's again and again referred to as "African American," or "Black." The American people need to remember the fact that he is just as much Caucasian as he is Black. He was raised by whites, with no real connection to Black culture. So, I consider him one of my own, just as Blacks consider him one of their own as well. I wish the people I'm hearing call him "that nigger," as some of my family here in Texas do, could fully realize this. I am very excited and happy, because I know he's going to accomplish many great things for our country
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Truck Nuts Part 2 .....12 Degrees of Seperation

The Omen....
I was in NM this last week. I picked up my mother and brought her to San Saba, a gorgeous little TX hill country town to meet my aunt. This is the little town all my family came from. Anyway, that's not the deal.......
I wrote earlier about something wonderful and horrible I'd seen when I lived in Lubbock. Truck Nuts.....balls for your truck, particularly your Big Red Butch Texas Tech Frat Boy Truck ! These things are really hilarious. I want some.....
Anyway, I was in my home town in NM, which isn't far from Lubbock. It's a moderately redneck kind of town. The presence of the university keeps it from being a total write off. So, I was at the university library with my laptop, and what did I see! A butch truck with a BIG pair of red balls dangling from its TX license plate! Did it come from Lubbock?? Who can ever say. However I stopped and thought...Lubbock...hmmmmm. Here's where it gets scary!
It just so happened that the Horns were playing Tech in Lubbock that night (Saturday). I watched the game on TV and was, of course, dismayed when we lost to them. It's a big rivalry. When we were heading back through Texas today, I saw Texas Tech Red Raider flags everywhere! Even here in Longhorn country. What kind of message is the universe sending me? Was the appearance of the red frat boy truck nuts swinging heavily in the breeze a portent of coming events? What is significant about Lubbock? So.....that Saturday night, as I was watching all those big hot boys (one of the thrills of football for me!) on the field.....bigballs not quite swinging but there and safely encased,I thought "wow.... maybe I should watch what I say about Lubbock." Did I curse the Longhorns?!? Hank Hill would give an unequivocal "yes!" Was this a 12 degree of separation thing, like the Kevin Bacon party game? Could be....
Anyway....I'm with my mother and aunt, visiting various and sundry old-people. Heading back to Austin tomorrow sometime. Want a job.....want a big corn-fed Texas boy.....
No blessings or advice for this Sunday. Just remember:
God loves you....but I really couldn't care less!
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