Saturday, June 7, 2008

Adios Hillary.....

Well sadly, Hillary's campaign for President has come to an end. I'm really very disappointed. Despite his faults, namely that of being a typical horney man, Bill was an excellent President, and I know that Hillary would have brought not only her own intelligence and experience, but the invaluable experience and diplomatic savvy of Bill. That was one of the problems with her campaign, however. Many people, and even some Democrats, wanted a fresh and new perspective in the White House, rather than a continuation of a former Presidency. I had the opportunity to hear President Clinton speak once. He is a brilliant, eloquent man, unlike our current President of course. George Bush reminds me of some of the children I used to teach.....just dumb as dirt, sitting in the corner picking their noses....or, the kind of guy who you just hate in high school....the asshole jock, or the spoiled ignorant frat boy.. Anyway, I could go on and on about GW.

I really wanted to see our country have a female President. Other countries have had females in high government for years. It would have really taken our country forward, and I think the way the rest of the world views us would have improved. Of course the Muslims would have had a fit, but they'd have a fit anyway. I'm really proud, however, that our country took her seriously and that her campaign ran as long as it did. That's a really historic event in the United States. Equally historic, of course, is that a black man would also be considered for the office of President. The fact that these two candidates were taken seriously at all really makes me proud for our country, proud of the changes I've seen in my lifetime.

I really like Barak Obama. He has a cool head, thinks well on his feet, and like Hillary, is an individual of no small intelligence. The Republicans (and even Hillary's people) made quite a deal of his lack of experience. How much experience did George Bush or Ronald Regan have though? They were both just governors. I thought George Bush was OK as a governor, of course I loved Ann Richards. As far as the Republicans go, John McCain is a good man, and I think he'd be a good president.....just not of our country. I think even he knows he won't win. When he makes statements indicating that he'd be prepared to continue the war for 100 years if necessary, he really pretty much drove the nails in his Presidential coffin. But you never know....I hope and pray we don't land another Republican in the White House.

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