Saturday, October 25, 2008
The most Wonderful-Horrible Thing!!!

I heard about this last week, but unbelievably, I forgot about it until just now. Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie O'Donnell is coming back to TV. Not only is she coming back to TV, she's coming back to TV with her own variety show! Oh Great Gods below! I've hated Rosie for years.....I hated her on her talk show, I despised her on "The View," and now......here she is again, bringing back a television genre that hasn't been seen in years! This new television turd is due to drop the night before Thanksgiving. It ought to fly like a bucket of shit launched from a catapult!! Bloggers everywhere will be salivating........
A variety show??? I'm thinking Sonny and Cher (outlandish costumes, bad skits....and future lesbian, Chastity!), Carol Burnett (a true classic, seriously), Laugh In (it had its moments), Dean Martin (belch), Donnie and Marie (what can one say.....I'm a little bit Country.....and I'm a little bit Rock 'n Roll....garg!) and two classic horrors....The Tony Orlando and Dawn Show and The Pointer Sisters Show.
Are Americans ready to embrace this format again? This is the age of the reality show. I admit I'm sick to death of reality shows. One of the most gruesome ones I've seen lately is "Gone Country" on CMT which attempts to make the washed up, crazy Sean Young (who becomes a train wreck before our very eyes!) a country star. Other cast members include, Sebastian Bach, some girl from American Idol I think, Irene Cara, Germaine Jackson?, and some guy from a 90's boy band. Here's a pic of poor Sean.....
Another lulu, also on CMT is called Outsiders Inn. Outsiders Inn stars Maurene McCormick, Bobby Browne(sans crack pipe!), and a large Carney Wilson.......let the hilarity ensue!!! Oh Marcia......MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA!!! Sorry....couldn't help myself.

I'm prone to tangents......sorry. Anyway, back to the Rosie Show. I can't even begin to imagine what it'll be like. I'm at a loss.....I can't even think of any possible guests or satirical scenarios....I like that, satirical scenarios. Did anyone see that Hallmark TV movie a couple years back called "Riding The Bus With My Sister?" It was, unbelievably, produced and directed by Angelica Houston. It starred an uncomfortable looking Andy McDowell........and oh yes, Rosie. Rosie played a braying, freakish retarded woman who apparently had jungle fever. Rosie's portrayal goes down in history as one of the worst, most obnoxious performances ever. I've noticed this trend before.....failing star wants to play a heart-warming, possibly award winning role, portrays a retard (Meredith Baxter-Berney, Mercedes Ruhl and Micky Rooney did it!). I hated Rosie before this but nothing can ever express the contempt I felt after witnessing "Riding The Bus With My Sister!" Witness the carnage below....judge for yourself....
And so.....on pins and needles...I wait. I wait..........I wait for that holy Night Before Thanksgiving to witness.........I don't know what. Won't you join me?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Caribou Barbie Strikes AGAIN!!! YAY!!!!!!!

I truly despise this woman....I have since the first time I set eyes upon her....remember when I said she had a "black aura" or something? Her performance on SNL brought them record ratings. I was disappointed....I thought they'd have her in more features. Tina Fey, once again shines in her frighteningly accurate parody of this terrifying woman.

Meanwhile, our National Economy continues to crash disastrously, affecting the economic status of nations all over the world. And exactly whom is to blame for this disaster? Why our esteemed President and his failure, of course. And exactly whom is the McCain/Republican party astoundingly blaming for this disaster? Unbelievably....Barak Obama!
The Press is TRUMPETING her as one of the many liabilities of the failings of the McCain candidacy. Thank GOD and all the deities and spiritual beings of the universe, whether they be of either good or evil intent that he chose this woman as his running mate! I know, I said I was only going to blog about FUN! and BOYS! and such, but this mouth-watering goodie is gust too tempting! I almost choked when this homophobic woman said that her favorite place to shop for clothes back in Alaska is called "Out of the Closet!" The AP released this story this morning:
Palin calls herself a frugal shopper when at home
Palin double standard?
ABC News AP – Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin, left, her husband Todd and daughters, Piper, … WASHINGTON – Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, on whom the GOP has lavished $150,000 for designer clothes and beauty services, says her family shops frugally back home in Alaska and her favorite store is a consignment shop. (MICHAEL'S NOTE.........ummmmmm RIGHT!)
Purchases by the Republican National Committee at high-end department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus appeared in spending reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. They offered a stark contrast to Palin's image as a "hockey mom" who calls herself part of an average, middle-class American family.
"Those clothes are not my property. We had three days of using clothes that the RNC purchased," Palin told Fox News in an interview that aired Thursday night.
"If people knew how Todd and I and our kids shop so frugally. My favorite shop is a consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska, called Out of the Closet. And my shoe store is called Shoe Fly in Juneau, Alaska. ... It's not, you know, Fifth Avenue-type of shopping."
In one shopping spree for Palin, the RNC spent $75,062 at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis. It also spent $49,425 at Saks Fifth Avenue and $4,902 at Atelier, a stylish men's store, and paid $92 for a romper and matching hat with ears for her infant son, Trig, at Pacifier, a Minneapolis baby store.
The McCain campaign reported paying $13,200 in September to celebrity makeup artist Amy Strozzi, who works on the reality show "So You Think You Can Dance." She was paid $22,800 for the first two weeks of October, nearly double what the campaign paid McCain's foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, according to a filing report.
Palin said the clothing purchased by the RNC would be returned or donated to charities.
hooRAY hoooRAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Since I wasn't able to register in Travis County, I won't be able to vote in this landmark election here in Austin....shit. However, I know Barak will win, but I wanted to be the be a participant in the election of the first black President. An interesting question though.....is Barak Obama half black....or is he HALF WHITE? I know it's only a mater of semantics, but this question IS a valid matter to ponder. Talk amongst yourselves......
On a lighter note.......Here's some BEAUTIFUL BOYS!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My ever faithful Sunday post.....
Next Week: Betty and her Angel Moroni statue challenge The Devil!
Remember......God loves you.....but I really couldn't care less.......
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Memories of Lubbock...........

I saw the most amazing-wonderful-horrible thing here in Lubbock the other day. A frat boy was driving this big, butch, red truck. I saw something dangling and swinging from the license plate area, but reall didn't give it much thought. However, when I got closer, I saw that it was a pair of testicles! Oh my Lord! Guys here get balls for their trucks! I told a friend here about it, and he knew exactly what they are. They're called "Truck Nuts!" Can you imagine...guys getting balls for their trucks?? I truly AM in Texas here in Lubbock! They come in an assortment of colors, and apparently from what their web site says, sizes. What guy though, being so insecure in his masculinity to the point of having to put balls on his truck would chose small ones though? Bull Balls for Me, Baby! Red being the Tech color, the ones I've seen here have been red....Big, Red, Swinging Balls! LOL !