I found this post on my old pvt. blog. I was living in Lubbock TX for a while. Lubbock is a strange, horrible little city. Not like the dirty, scummy and dangerous "asshole of Texas" way El
Paso is, but
undesirable none the less. It's a polar opposite type place...Texas Tech is located there, and by polar opposite, I mean that the people seem to be of two extremes....middle class to very rich, then poor white-trash "redneck" types. The accent there is also the most horrible accent I've heard in the whole state of TX.........I've described it to others as
blood curdling even. The county is "dry," which means that you can't buy liquor in the city. So, you have to drive outside city limits to a place they call "The Strip" to buy your booze. The dirty bookstores and
tittie bars are out there also. It's really kinda cool....lots of neon....looks like a little Vegas Strip.....only the redneck version, of course. Lubbock fits the stereotype of Texas. Austin, however, is the LEAST Texas city in the state. I've not seen any rednecks here...there's gotta be some though. I've never seen truck-nuts here either, which is strange because (THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!), there is a huge population of butch frat boys here in the city who come from all over Texas, and I suppose from all over the country as well. Anyway, here's the story:

I saw the most amazing-wonderful-horrible thing here in Lubbock the other day. A
frat boy was driving this big, butch, red truck. I saw something dangling and swinging from the license plate area, but reall didn't give it much thought. However, when I got closer, I saw that it was a pair of testicles!
Oh my Lord! Guys here get balls for their trucks! I told a friend here about it, and he knew exactly what they are. They're called "Truck Nuts!"
Can you imagine...guys getting balls for their trucks?? I
truly AM in Texas here in Lubbock! They come in an assortment of colors, and
apparently from what their web site says, sizes. What guy though, being so insecure
in his masculinity to the point of having to put balls on his truck would chose small ones though? Bull Balls for Me, Baby! Red being the Tech color, the ones I've seen here have been red....Big, Red, Swinging Balls!

1 comment:
hi friends excuse me
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